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Introducing M. Renae Dubois

A Tenacious Survivor of a Traumatic Brain Injury and Intrepid Painter, Poet and Author of "Curses of Verses: a Head Injury Tale" and "Utterly: A Biography in Verse"

"Come upon my wayward lair, 

have a listen, take a chair"


Renae's Literature

Curses of Verses: A Head Injury Tale

M Renae Dubois’ first novel was written in the months and years following a Traumatic Brain Injury, as a result of a Motor Vehicle Accident at age 16. The author has used a conversational style of poetry, rhyming and rhythmic, and it is similar in subject to how M Renae Dubois speaks of her experiences, with candour and a little irreverent. As a result of the symptoms of this event and the areas of the brain affected, the author found herself an easy target for lecherous men, and friendships with unscrupulous individuals. Being naturally philosophical, reasonably intelligent and brought up in a very right wing Christian culture, this piece shows some of the thought processes and lifestyle/career choices that accompanied the protagonist/author in her early adult years. Unmedicated. Undiagnosed. Untreated. Undone.

Available in Audiobook and E-Book at the links below.


Renae's Literature

Utterly: A Biography in Verse

I've written this book to share with you
My journey and my life.
I've had some cool adventures,
I've thought about them twice.

This is my second novel
In poetry and verse,
I have no education
But I could be doing worse.

I tell some sexy stories
About working in the trade.
Sex sells they say and that is true,
But honesty can pay

This story deals with mortality
Someone very dear
A friend of mine who shared with me
Things that he held near

Sex and death, some drugs, I think
It's adult fiction really,
I hope that I've expressed my thoughts
Insightfully and clearly 

Available in Audiobook and E-Book at the links below.

Art by Renae Dubois.


Find prints, t-shirts, mugs & more on RedBubble.

Dozen Mistakes Fictional Portraiture Collection 1

Dozen Mistakes Fictional Portraiture is a beautiful and elegant hard-cover collection of art by M Renae Dubois.
Renae has showed prodigious talent in her portraits, and her colourful works tell their own stories, through the expressions and bright, simple tones used.

Dozen Mistakes Fictional Portraiture Collection 2

DMFP#2 is a further collection of portraits, with Renae expanding on her skills. These books are excellent coffee table books, and inspiration for further stories for those so inclined.
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